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Kala Presence Named by Clutch as One of the Top PPC Management Companies in Zagreb 2021

Vrijeme čitanja: 2 minute
Žena drži logotip spojke za svoju Google oglasnu kampanju.

Kala Presence is a digital agency run by a team of young but experienced professionals. We have created and built that experience on the international market, and we are now successfully applying all the acquired knowledge to our domestic market, as well. At Kala Presence, we accept and successfully tackle all digital challenges for our clients.

We like to go beyond the standards and find innovative solutions that will make life easier for everyone. From small to large companies, as well as small to large challenges, our digital advertising agency approaches every project with complete dedication and high professionalism.

We would like to share our achievements as we reach another milestone in the industry. Clutch recently recognized Kala Presence for the 2021 list of top PPC management companies in Zagreb. Clutch is an established B2B reviews platform that helps firms across the globe connect with the solution providers that they need, in order to improve effectiveness and increase productivity.

Our team’s goal is to stay on top of the new digital know-how and always be one step ahead in the digital marketing game. And receiving such an award brings us to another great milestone in the industry.

“We are honored that our continued commitment to quality & customer satisfaction has been recognized, and thrilled to be chosen as a Clutch Leader!” – Matej Jambrovic, CEO of Kala Presence

Our valued clients know that we deliver tangible results on time. We are also thankful for the time they spent leaving us positive feedback on our Clutch profile. Here’s what one happy client had to say about our time working together:

“This agency is 100% straight up. No black hat tactics either.” – Andrew Young, President & CEO of Core and More Technologies

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O autorima

Mi smo digitalna agencija koju pokreće tim mladih, ali iskusnih stručnjaka. Zajedno smo rasli, širili se, gradili i nadograđivali svoje usluge, usavršavali se i, za svoje klijente – dominirali. Dominacija je riječ koja se provlači kroz cijelo naše poslovanje i kroz rad kojeg obavljamo za klijente, a na kraju krajeva, dominacija je ono što obećavamo i sebi i njima. Ali za nas to nije samo obična riječ, nešto što govorimo da zvučimo opasno. U Kali Presence je to poput lajtmotiva koji nam je u isto vrijeme pokretač i motivator, ali i krajnji cilj svakog projekta.

Naši radovi.  Istražite kolekciju projekata u kojima smo pomogli našim klijentima da postignu željene rezultate.

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